Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies - real or divorce


Greetings, friends! Today I would like to touch on subtle topics such as problems with the prostate, because the health of men, the ability to fertilize and the general well-being of a person depends on the condition of the organs.

Signs and Consequences

Often, prostatitis occurs, characterized by an inflammatory process, accompanied by discomfort and pain during urination, sexual intercourse. Subsequently, the disease is complicated by the transition to a chronic form, which is quite difficult to overcome.

Further, inflammation spreads to nearby organs, therefore, pathologies such as cystitis, pielonefritis, prostate sclerosis, prostate adenoma, epididymocritis, vesiculitis develop. But most importantly, a man’s reproductive and reproductive systems suffer - erectile dysfunction, impotence and infertility occur. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to start treatment on time. In the early stages, it is enough to use traditional medicine.

Can traditional medicine help?

Traditional medicine does not rule out the use of folk remedies, as it has many benefits:

Herbs for alternative treatments for prostatitis
  • in the most rare cases, side reactions appear;
  • no chemical and synthetic impurities;
  • while consuming decoctions in it, a good effect is not only done on the focus of the lesion, but also on the whole body.

What can be used?

Unconventional prostatitis therapy methods include a group of steps - taking medication inside, using suppositories and compresses, prescribing enemas, special exercises and massages. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is recommended to apply several techniques simultaneously, namely combining them.

Oral means

A large number of preparations for the treatment of inflamed prostate are made based on medical ingredients. They are most often used for the preparation of medications taken orally. Usually decoction of decoction from the roots of plants, and make a tincture of the upper stems and flowers. Not only are herbal ingredients intended for the treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies, but there are some effective recipes from a variety of ingredients that are easy to prepare at home:

  1. To strengthen local immunity (in inflamed prostate area) and relieve pain, do the following: boil 500-600 g of oats in 1 liter of water (after boiling, let simmer for 30 minutes). Let the liquid cool slightly, then strain through a fine sieve. Add cinnamon and 6-8 cloves of garlic, previously chopped, to taste. Take orally three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Pumpkin can cope with men's illnesses well. It is used in different ways - you need to eat 20-30 pumpkin seeds per day or use it in powder form before lunch. For this, the dried seeds are crushed with a blender. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day with clean water.
  3. Delicious pumpkin medicine. Take 500 g of seeds, grind through a meat grinder, add 1 cup of honey. Roll the resulting mixture into a bean-sized ball and dissolve before eating.
  4. Propolis watered with water will help restore potency and reduce inflammation. Products can be stored for 2 days. Water tincture: combine propolis with water in a ratio of 1: 3, put on low heat, boil for 1 hour. Insist 8-9 hours, drink 50 ml three times a day.
  5. Propolis tincture can be made with alcohol. Its lifespan is 12 months. For half a liter of edible alcohol, 150 g of crushed pure bee product is required. Insist one and a half to two weeks in a dark place, then transfer to a refrigerator for 3 days. Take in a strained form 2-3 times a day, 7-12 drops.
  6. Boil the ingredients taken in equal parts: nettle, tansy, black elderberry, immortelle, lemongrass, juniper, creeping wheat grass. For 300 ml of boiling water, take 10-12 g of collection, pour all the components with water in a thermos, then leave for 30-40 minutes. Take 100 ml 60 minutes before meals.
Pumpkin seed oil for douching

Important! If a man begins to develop prostate adenoma, be sure to burn the skin of chestnuts in the usual way, using color as tea.


The prostate may be exposed to douching. Based on feedback from users actively communicating in forums devoted to the treatment of folk remedies for prostatitis, this technique was successful.

Best Recipes:

  1. The following components are suitable for enemas: sea buckthorn berries, chamomile, nettle, oak bark, rose hips, walnut membranes, wormwood, calendula. Materials can be used individually or in combination. However, for 100 g of raw material, you need 2 cups of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, leave to cool.
  2. A weak manganese solution is used for disinfection.
  3. Wash with sea buckthorn oil, pumpkin seeds or olive oil. Heat the oil to a temperature of +38 degrees, insert 30 ml into the anus.

Rules to Follow:

  1. While washing, it is recommended to lubricate the end of the enema with oil / cream, after which it is inserted into the anus.
  2. Keep fluid in the rectum for at least 2 minutes.
  3. Treatment is done daily for 1-4 weeks (depending on the degree of damage).


The inflamed prostate gland needs to be affected not only from the inside, but also from the outside, so folk healers have developed a universal recipe for making compresses to get rid of prostatitis.


  1. Propolis oil. Mix 15 g of bee product and 100 ml of warmed olive oil. After boiling, place the plate in a water bath, cook until well combined. Let the mass cool, then moisten the gauze bandage, apply to the lumbar sacrum. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours.
  2. Put 2 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water. dry mustard powder. Soak a piece of soft cloth in a warm mixture and place in the area between the anus and testicles. Store until the compress is completely cool.
  3. Compresses can be made from a decoction of medicinal herbs - coltsfoot, calendula, rosemary, plantain, celandine, elecampane, ponytail. For 500 ml of water, 100 g of components are required. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Compresses are applied to the perineum.
Rectal suppositories from homemade prostatitis


  1. Compresses are not used if there are wounds on the skin - cuts, sores, wounds, etc.
  2. You need to put polyethylene on gauze, fixing it on top with a thick bandage or underwear.
  3. Compresses are worn exclusively in the evening.

Rectal candle

Rectal suppositories for prostate adenoma and prostatitis in men are most often prescribed by specialists. This is due to the fact that the active ingredient dissolves in the lesion area and acts directly on the area of ​​the prostate gland, without permeating into the general bloodstream. Thus, with their help, in a short time, the level of inflammatory processes decreases, the intense pain threshold is stopped, edema is removed, damaged tissues and cells are regenerated.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis - the best recipe for suppositories:

  1. It is best to take beeswax as a base, as it has a healing effect and maintains a suppository shape perfectly. Take 70 g of wax, dilute in a water bath, add 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 1 clove of chopped garlic, 2-3 drops of sage essential oil, 10 g of ground pumpkin seeds. Stir the ingredients until well blended, let cool slightly and form a little finger-sized candle.
  2. Take 40 g of cocoa butter, the same amount of bee propolis, 5 g of honey, 2-3 g of bee bread and royal jelly. Cooking is the same as the previous recipe.
  3. Melt 100 g of goat fat in a water bath, add 8-10 g of propolis. Boil over low heat until smooth.
  4. For 100 g of lard, you need ¼ teaspoon. juicy celandine extract, same amount of pure water, 2 drops of orange ether, a pinch of nettle powder. Heat the mass until soft, and then form a suppository.

Terms of Use:

  1. Use the refrigerator for solidification and storage.
  2. Put in a warm place for 10-20 minutes before use.
  3. Suppositories are injected into the anus before bed every day.
  4. Because after being inserted into the rectum, the wax melts, partially coming out. To prevent staining of underwear and bedding, apply a gauze bandage to the anus.

Massage and exercise

Physical effects on the prostate gland strengthen organs, relieve congestion, speed up metabolism and blood circulation, improve tone, and even relieve inflammation. It is best to do a massage by a specialist, but there are also some simple techniques used to treat prostatitis in men at home:

  1. Transrectal effects. Insert the index finger into the anus, making a pressing motion for the prostate for a few minutes.
  2. Rub the coccyx and lumbar bones for 10 minutes (to warm up). First, apply pressure, and then with a circular motion, massage the area around the anus and scrotum. Be sure to use a testicle.
  3. It is recommended to reduce rectal insertion twice a day. To do this, while inhaling, you need to stretch the muscles, while exhaling, resting.

For chronic or early prostatitis in men, you can do 4 effective exercises every day:

  1. Starting position (IP): lying on your back, stretch your arms along your torso with your palms on the floor. Exhale - slowly pull up, bend at the knees, legs to chest, stretch the lower limbs to the side. While inhaling, return smoothly to the starting position. The number of approaches is 15 times.
  2. SP - at the back with the legs bent at the knees. Without lifting the heel off the floor, stretch your feet to the side as much as possible, lock in this position for 30-40 seconds. Connect your legs, rest for 15-20 seconds. The number of repetitions is 15 times.
  3. Lying on your stomach with arms outstretched. Bend one leg at the knee, lift up. The same action is required for the second limb. Do it 10 times.
  4. Take a standing position with shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Do a partial squat, stopping at the end point for 3-4 seconds. Now rise, but not completely - so that your knees remain slightly bent. The number of approaches is 10 times.

Attention! It is forbidden to do massage and exercise by exacerbating chronic prostatitis. In this case, it is better to use decoctions, infusions, suppositories and compresses.

Following these simple recommendations for the treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies, you will achieve positive dynamics. But do not forget that before using traditional medicine, you need to consult a specialist to get an accurate diagnosis.